package com.rapidminer.ItemRecommendation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import com.rapidminer.RatingPrediction.IIterativeModel;
import com.rapidminer.matrixUtils.MatrixUtils;
import com.rapidminer.matrixUtils.VectorUtils;
import com.rapidminer.operator.Annotations;
import com.rapidminer.operator.IOObject;
import com.rapidminer.operator.Operator;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.OutputPort;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.ProcessingStep;
*Copyright (C) 2010 Zeno Gantner, Christoph Freudenthaler
*Copyright (C) 2011 Zeno Gantner
*This file is originally part of MyMediaLite.
*Ported by Matej Mihelcic (Ru�er Bo�kovi� Institute) 01.08.2011
public class BPRMF extends MF implements IIterativeModel
/// Matrix factorization model for item prediction optimized using BPR-Opt
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Steffen Rendle, Christoph Freudenthaler, Zeno Gantner, Lars Schmidt-Thieme:
/// BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback.
/// Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2009),
/// Montreal, Canada, 2009.
static final long serialVersionUID=3232342;
/// <summary>Fast, but memory-intensive sampling</summary>
protected boolean fast_sampling = false;
/// <summary>Item bias terms</summary>
protected double[] item_bias;
/// <summary>Fast sampling memory limit, in MiB</summary>
public int GetFastSamplingMemoryLimit()
{ return fast_sampling_memory_limit; }
public void SetFastSamplingMemoryLimit(int value){
fast_sampling_memory_limit = value; }
/// <summary>Fast sampling memory limit, in MiB</summary>
protected int fast_sampling_memory_limit = 1024;
/// <summary>Regularization parameter for the bias term</summary>
public double BiasReg;
/// <summary>Learning rate alpha</summary>
public double GetLearnRate(){
return learn_rate; }
public void SetLearnRate(double value){
learn_rate = value; }
/// <summary>Learning rate alpha</summary>
protected double learn_rate = 0.05;
/// <summary>Regularization parameter for user factors</summary>
public double GetRegU() {
return reg_u; }
public void SetRegU(double value)
{ reg_u = value; }
/// <summary>Regularization parameter for user factors</summary>
protected double reg_u = 0.0025;
/// <summary>Regularization parameter for positive item factors</summary>
public double GetRegI() {
return reg_i; }
public void SetRegI(double value){
reg_i = value; }
/// <summary>Regularization parameter for positive item factors</summary>
protected double reg_i = 0.0025;
/// <summary>Regularization parameter for negative item factors</summary>
public double GetRegJ() {
return reg_j; }
public void SetRegJ(double value)
{ reg_j = value; }
/// <summary>Regularization parameter for negative item factors</summary>
protected double reg_j = 0.00025;
/// <summary>support data structure for fast sampling</summary>
protected List<List<Integer>> user_pos_items;
/// <summary>support data structure for fast sampling</summary>
protected List<List<Integer>> user_neg_items;
/// <summary>Use bold driver heuristics for learning rate adaption</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// See
/// Rainer Gemulla, Peter J. Haas, Erik Nijkamp, Yannis Sismanis:
/// Large-Scale Matrix Factorization with Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent
/// 2011
/// </remarks>
public boolean BoldDriver;
/// <summary>Loss for the last iteration, used by bold driver heuristics</summary>
double last_loss = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
/// <summary>array of user components of triples to use for approximate loss computation</summary>
int[] loss_sample_u;
/// <summary>array of positive item components of triples to use for approximate loss computation</summary>
int[] loss_sample_i;
/// <summary>array of negative item components of triples to use for approximate loss computation</summary>
int[] loss_sample_j;
/// <summary>Random number generator</summary>
protected com.rapidminer.utils.Random random;
protected void InitModel()
System.out.println("MaxItemID unutar inicijalizacije "+MaxItemID);
item_bias = new double[MaxItemID + 1];
CheckSampling(); // TODO rename
public void Train()
random = com.rapidminer.utils.Random.GetInstance(); // TODO move to training
if (BoldDriver)
int num_sample_triples = (int) Math.sqrt(GetFeedback().GetMaxUserID()) * 100; // TODO make configurable
loss_sample_u = new int[num_sample_triples];
loss_sample_i = new int[num_sample_triples];
loss_sample_j = new int[num_sample_triples];
int u=0, i=0, j=0;
for (int c = 0; c < num_sample_triples; c++)
SampleTriple(u, i, j);
loss_sample_u[c] = u;
loss_sample_i[c] = i;
loss_sample_j[c] = j;
last_loss = ComputeLoss();
for (int i = 0; i < NumIter; i++)
/// <summary>Perform one iteration of stochastic gradient ascent over the training data</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// One iteration is samples number of positive entries in the training matrix times
/// </remarks>
public void Iterate()
int num_pos_events = GetFeedback().Count();
int user_id=0, item_id_1=0, item_id_2=0;
int [] trojka;
for (int i = 0; i < num_pos_events; i++)
trojka=SampleTriple( user_id, item_id_1, item_id_2);
user_id=trojka[0]; item_id_1=trojka[1]; item_id_2=trojka[2];
UpdateFactors(trojka[0], trojka[1], trojka[2], true, true, true);
if (BoldDriver)
double loss = ComputeLoss();
if (loss > last_loss)
else if (loss < last_loss)
last_loss = loss;
/// <summary>Sample another item, given the first one and the user</summary>
/// <param name="u">the user ID</param>
/// <param name="i">the ID of the given item</param>
/// <param name="j">the ID of the other item</param>
/// <returns>true if the given item was already seen by user u</returns>
protected boolean SampleOtherItem(int u, int i, int j) //popraviti
boolean item_is_positive = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(u, i);
if (fast_sampling)
if (item_is_positive)
int rindex = random.nextInt(user_neg_items.get(u).size());
j = user_neg_items.get(u).get(rindex);
int rindex = random.nextInt(user_pos_items.get(u).size());
j = user_pos_items.get(u).get(rindex);
j = random.nextInt(MaxItemID + 1);
while (GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(u, j) != item_is_positive);
return item_is_positive;
/// <summary>Sample a pair of items, given a user</summary>
/// <param name="u">the user ID</param>
/// <param name="i">the ID of the first item</param>
/// <param name="j">the ID of the second item</param>
protected int[] SampleItemPair(int u, int i, int j)
int[] par=new int[2];
if (fast_sampling)
int rindex;
rindex = random.nextInt(user_pos_items.get(u).size());
i = user_pos_items.get(u).get(rindex); // TODO use this also with slow sampling?
rindex = random.nextInt(user_neg_items.get(u).size());
j = user_neg_items.get(u).get(rindex);
List<Integer> user_items = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(u);
i = user_items.get(random.nextInt(user_items.size()));
j = random.nextInt(MaxItemID + 1);
while (GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(u, j));
return par;
/// <summary>Sample a user that has viewed at least one and not all items</summary>
/// <returns>the user ID</returns>
protected int SampleUser()
while (true)
int u = random.nextInt(MaxUserID + 1);
List<Integer> user_items = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(u);
if (user_items.size() == 0 || user_items.size() == MaxItemID + 1)
return u;
/// <summary>Sample a triple for BPR learning</summary>
/// <param name="u">the user ID</param>
/// <param name="i">the ID of the first item</param>
/// <param name="j">the ID of the second item</param>
protected int[] SampleTriple(int u, int i, int j)
int[] trojka=new int[3];
int [] par=new int[2];
u = SampleUser();
par=SampleItemPair(u,i, j);
return trojka;
/// <summary>Update latent factors according to the stochastic gradient descent update rule</summary>
/// <param name="u">the user ID</param>
/// <param name="i">the ID of the first item</param>
/// <param name="j">the ID of the second item</param>
/// <param name="update_u">if true, update the user latent factors</param>
/// <param name="update_i">if true, update the latent factors of the first item</param>
/// <param name="update_j">if true, update the latent factors of the second item</param>
protected void UpdateFactors(int u, int i, int j, boolean update_u, boolean update_i, boolean update_j)
double x_uij = Predict(u, i) - Predict(u, j);
double one_over_one_plus_ex = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(x_uij));
// adjust bias terms
if (update_i)
double bias_update = one_over_one_plus_ex - BiasReg * item_bias[i];
item_bias[i] += learn_rate * bias_update;
if (update_j)
double bias_update = -one_over_one_plus_ex - BiasReg * item_bias[j];
item_bias[j] += learn_rate * bias_update;
// adjust factors
for (int f = 0; f < num_factors; f++)
double w_uf = user_factors.getLocation(u, f);
double h_if = item_factors.getLocation(i, f);
double h_jf = item_factors.getLocation(j, f);
if (update_u)
double uf_update = (h_if - h_jf) * one_over_one_plus_ex - reg_u * w_uf;
user_factors.setLocation(u, f,w_uf + learn_rate * uf_update);
if (update_i)
double if_update = w_uf * one_over_one_plus_ex - reg_i * h_if;
item_factors.setLocation(i, f,h_if + learn_rate * if_update);
if (update_j)
double jf_update = -w_uf * one_over_one_plus_ex - reg_j * h_jf;
item_factors.setLocation(j, f, h_jf + learn_rate * jf_update);
public void AddFeedback(int user_id, int item_id)
super.AddFeedback(user_id, item_id);
if (fast_sampling)
// retrain
public void RemoveFeedback(int user_id, int item_id)
super.RemoveFeedback(user_id, item_id);
if (fast_sampling)
// retrain
protected void AddUser(int user_id)
user_factors.AddRows(user_id + 1);
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(user_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, user_id);*/
public void AddUsers(List<Integer> users)
user_factors.AddRows(users.get(users.size()-1) + 1);
for(int i=0;i<users.size();i++){
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(user_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, users.get(i));
if (fast_sampling)
protected void AddItem(int item_id)
item_factors.AddRows(item_id + 1);
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(item_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, item_id);*/
public void AddItems(List<Integer> items)
item_factors.AddRows(items.get(items.size()-1) + 1);
for(int i=0;i<items.size();i++)
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(item_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, items.get(i));
public void RemoveUser(int user_id)
if (fast_sampling)
user_pos_items.set(user_id, null);
user_neg_items.set(user_id, null);
// set user latent factors to zero
user_factors.SetRowToOneValue(user_id, 0);
public void RemoveItem(int item_id)
// TODO remove from fast sampling data structures
// (however: not needed if all feedback events have been removed properly before)
// set item latent factors to zero
item_factors.SetRowToOneValue(item_id, 0);
/// <summary>Retrain the latent factors of a given user</summary>
/// <param name="user_id">the user ID</param>
protected void RetrainUser(int user_id)
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(user_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, user_id);
List<Integer> user_items = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(user_id);
for (int i = 0; i < user_items.size(); i++)
int item_id_1=0, item_id_2=0;
SampleItemPair(user_id, item_id_1, item_id_2);
UpdateFactors(user_id, item_id_1, item_id_2, true, false, false);
public void RetrainUsers(List<Integer> users)
for(int i1=0;i1<users.size();i1++){
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(user_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, users.get(i1));
List<Integer> user_items = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(users.get(i1));
for (int i = 0; i < user_items.size(); i++)
int item_id_1=0, item_id_2=0;
SampleItemPair(users.get(i1), item_id_1, item_id_2);
UpdateFactors(users.get(i1), item_id_1, item_id_2, true, false, false);
/// <summary>Retrain the latent factors of a given item</summary>
/// <param name="item_id">the item ID</param>
protected void RetrainItem(int item_id)
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(item_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, item_id);
int num_pos_events = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().NumberOfEntries();
int num_item_iterations = num_pos_events / (MaxItemID + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_item_iterations; i++) {
// remark: the item may be updated more or less frequently than in the normal from-scratch training
int user_id = SampleUser();
int other_item_id=0;
boolean item_is_positive = SampleOtherItem(user_id, item_id, other_item_id);
if (item_is_positive)
UpdateFactors(user_id, item_id, other_item_id, false, true, false);
UpdateFactors(user_id, other_item_id, item_id, false, false, true);
public void RetrainItems(List<Integer> items)
double[] item_bias_new=new double[MaxItemID+1];
for(int k=0;k<item_bias.length;k++)
for(int k=item_bias.length;k<item_bias_new.length;k++)
for(int i1=0;i1<items.size();i1++){
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(item_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, items.get(i1));
int num_pos_events = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().NumberOfEntries();
int num_item_iterations = num_pos_events / (MaxItemID + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_item_iterations; i++) {
// remark: the item may be updated more or less frequently than in the normal from-scratch training
int user_id = SampleUser();
int other_item_id=0;
boolean item_is_positive = SampleOtherItem(user_id, items.get(i1), other_item_id);
if (item_is_positive)
UpdateFactors(user_id, items.get(i1), other_item_id, false, true, false);
UpdateFactors(user_id, other_item_id, items.get(i1), false, false, true);
/// <summary>Compute approximate loss</summary>
/// <returns>the approximate loss</returns>
public double ComputeLoss()
double ranking_loss = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < loss_sample_u.length; c++)
double x_uij = Predict(loss_sample_u[c], loss_sample_i[c]) - Predict(loss_sample_u[c], loss_sample_j[c]);
ranking_loss += 1 / (1 + Math.exp(x_uij));
double complexity = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < loss_sample_u.length; c++)
complexity += GetRegU() * Math.pow(VectorUtils.EuclideanNorm(user_factors.GetRow(loss_sample_u[c])), 2);
complexity += GetRegI() * Math.pow(VectorUtils.EuclideanNorm(item_factors.GetRow(loss_sample_i[c])), 2);
complexity += GetRegJ() * Math.pow(VectorUtils.EuclideanNorm(item_factors.GetRow(loss_sample_j[c])), 2);
complexity += BiasReg * Math.pow(item_bias[loss_sample_i[c]], 2);
complexity += BiasReg * Math.pow(item_bias[loss_sample_j[c]], 2);
return ranking_loss + 0.5 * complexity;
/// <summary>Compute the fit (AUC on training data)</summary>
/// <returns>the fit</returns>
public double ComputeFit()
double sum_auc = 0;
int num_user = 0;
for (int user_id = 0; user_id < MaxUserID + 1; user_id++)
int num_test_items = GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(user_id).size();
if (num_test_items == 0)
int[] prediction = com.rapidminer.eval.ItemPrediction.PredictItems(this, user_id, MaxItemID);
int num_eval_items = MaxItemID + 1;
int num_eval_pairs = (num_eval_items - num_test_items) * num_test_items;
int num_correct_pairs = 0;
int num_pos_above = 0;
// start with the highest weighting item...
for (int i = 0; i < prediction.length; i++)
int item_id = prediction[i];
if (GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(user_id, item_id))
num_correct_pairs += num_pos_above;
double user_auc = (double) num_correct_pairs / num_eval_pairs;
sum_auc += user_auc;
double auc = sum_auc / num_user;
return auc;
private void CreateFastSamplingData(int u)
while (u >= user_pos_items.size())
while (u >= user_neg_items.size())
List<Integer> pos_list = new ArrayList<Integer>(GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(u));
List<Integer> neg_list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i <= MaxItemID; i++)
if (! GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix().getLocation(u, i))
user_neg_items.set(u, neg_list);
protected void CheckSampling()
int fast_sampling_memory_size = ((MaxUserID + 1) * (MaxItemID + 1) * 4) / (1024 * 1024);
if (fast_sampling_memory_size <= fast_sampling_memory_limit && fast_sampling_memory_limit!=0)//modifikacija
fast_sampling = true;
this.user_pos_items = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(MaxUserID + 1);
this.user_neg_items = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(MaxUserID + 1);
for (int u = 0; u < MaxUserID + 1; u++)
public int GetNumIter(){
return NumIter;
public double Predict(int user_id, int item_id)
if ((user_id < 0) || (user_id >= user_factors.dim1))
System.out.println("user is unknown: " + user_id);
return 0;
if ((item_id < 0) || (item_id >= item_factors.dim1))
System.out.println("item is unknown: " + item_id);
return 0;
return item_bias[item_id] + com.rapidminer.matrixUtils.MatrixUtils.RowScalarProduct(user_factors, user_id, item_factors, item_id);
public void SaveModel(String file)
//not implemented
public void LoadModel(String file)
//not implemented
public String ToString()
return String.format("BPRMF num_factors={0} bias_reg={1} reg_u={2} reg_i={3} reg_j={4} num_iter={5} learn_rate={6} bold_driver={7} fast_sampling_memory_limit={8} init_mean={9} init_stdev={10}",
num_factors, BiasReg, reg_u, reg_i, reg_j, NumIter, learn_rate, BoldDriver, fast_sampling_memory_limit, InitMean, InitStdev);
private String source = null;
/** The current working operator. */
private transient LoggingHandler loggingHandler;
private transient LinkedList<ProcessingStep> processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
/** Sets the source of this IOObject. */
public void setSource(String sourceName) {
this.source = sourceName;
/** Returns the source of this IOObject (might return null if the source is unknown). */
public String getSource() {
return source;
public void appendOperatorToHistory(Operator operator, OutputPort port) {
if (processingHistory == null) {
processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
if (operator.getProcess() != null)
processingHistory.add(new ProcessingStep(operator, port));
ProcessingStep newStep = new ProcessingStep(operator, port);
if (operator.getProcess() != null && (processingHistory.isEmpty() || !processingHistory.getLast().equals(newStep))) {
public List<ProcessingStep> getProcessingHistory() {
if (processingHistory == null)
processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
return processingHistory;
/** Gets the logging associated with the operator currently working on this
* IOObject or the global log service if no operator was set. */
public LoggingHandler getLog() {
if (this.loggingHandler != null) {
return this.loggingHandler;
} else {
return LogService.getGlobal();
/** Sets the current working operator, i.e. the operator which is currently
* working on this IOObject. This might be used for example for logging. */
public void setLoggingHandler(LoggingHandler loggingHandler) {
this.loggingHandler = loggingHandler;
* Returns not a copy but the very same object. This is ok for IOObjects
* which cannot be altered after creation. However, IOObjects which might be
* changed (e.g. {@link com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet}s) should
* overwrite this method and return a proper copy.
public IOObject copy() {
return this;
protected void initWriting() {}
public Annotations getAnnotations(){
Annotations temp=new Annotations();
return temp;